Saturday, June 19, 2010

Latin Women

When I was in undergrad I took many classes on religion. One of the most interesting topics I encountered was the one of reincarnation. A man walks through a desert, trying to find his path to his next life. And elders guide him along the way. Even more intriguing is the concept that we take away bits and pieces from all of our past lives with us and they help to shape us in our new life.

So, I have decided in my past I was a latin woman. Everyone who knows me will attest to the fact that I am a bit of a princess. Without even realizing it I tend to be, how do you say..."needy". (added diplomatic emphasis). The culture of latin women is just like that. "Needy". A latin woman has never touched a dish. This amazes me. The maid only comes on Tuesday and Friday. Latin families eat 7 days a week. But the dishes will NEVER be touched by a latin woman. They will stay in the sink, smelling up the house with flies circling until Friday. No question. Latin woman don't do the laundry. Latin women don't take out the trash. Latin women don't cook their own meals. I am surprised latin women have the energy to even turn on the TV.

In a society that is seemingly impoverished, a maid will be paid $150.00/mo. and the average person only makes $78.00 every 2 weeks. I mean you can do the math. It doesn't leave much else in the bank. But it doesn't matter. Latin women don't do the dishes.

Now hopefully those of you who read this blog (my family) wont be offended or take this the wrong way. I am speaking generally of the latin culture that I know and live in. Maybe south of Panama this isn't the case. And quite honestly when I was in Guate I took some pictures of women doing the wash in a huge cistern-like area in the middle of the city. Who knows if those were maids or not. Hell, maybe N,S,E,W of El Salvador this isn't the case. You get my drift. El Salvadoran women don't do the dishes.

So..In my past life I believe I was an El Salvadoran woman. And if not, in my next life I want to be one.

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